Of Interest to Foster Parents

Who’s a Mandated Child Abuse Reporter? You are!

Approximately 48 States, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands designate professions whose members are mandated by law to report suspected child maltreatment.

Included are foster parents.

Often, abused children in foster care know other children who have been or are being abused.  It is our responsibility as foster parents to report.  No proof of abuse or neglect is needed, only “reasonable suspicion” that child abuse or neglect may have occurred.

The primary intent of the reporting law is to protect the child from abuse and neglect. However, a report of suspected child abuse or neglect may also present an opportunity to provide help for the family.

We now offer access to 6 Hours of Certified Mandated Reporter Training.

For more information about the training, click on either TRAINING LOGIN or Training Topics Offered in the Menu.

An excellent, detailed FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about Mandated Reporting of suspected child abuse can found here.

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