Click Here to See Sample Training Portal Certificate
non-portal training certificate
The following is a sample of the Training Certificate issues for each individual training topic a member downloads.
Using the information from their online Training Log (which they can not alter), each Training Certificate has the member’s name, training date, training topic title, and list of four things the member learned from the training they can use as a foster parent.
The member then prints the Training Certificate. We also suggest members print and submit a copy of their online Training Log along with their Training Certificate to verify they did indeed download said training.
Below is a Sample Training Certificate as it would appear ready for printing.
FosterParentTraining.comTraining Certificate Downloaded and completed the following training: Blood Bourne Pathogens & Other Potentially Infectious Materials (1 hr) I learned the following 4 things from this training which I can use as a foster parent: Personal protective equipment is provided to the visiting nurses and maintained in the client’s home. It takes only 3 shots to protect yourself and loved ones against Hepatitus B for life. In the event of unavoidable exposure, immediately remove source of contamination. A 30-day supply of PPE is kept in client’s home.