Training Portal Guide Training Portal Instructions
* We’re adding new training courses daily! *
* Click Here to Enroll *  Membership Required *

MEMBERS: Like any college or university, you must first Register to Enroll in any of the TRAINING PORTAL Courses. (There’s no additional charge!)

Your PORTAL username & password are separate from your Membership Login.
(SUGGESTION: Use the same name & password when you create your Portal Training account.)

To Register, Log in through Training: Login, Log, Certificate, Portal Training

Under TRAINING PORTAL, Click on Registration, Login, Enroll

When the TRAINING PORTAL login appears, click on “Create a new account” in the lower panel where it asks “Is this your first time here?”. (See example below.)

NOTE! Your Registration Name is the name that appears on your Certificate of Completion.

* Click Here to Register for Portal Courses *  Membership Required *

After Signing In, Scroll Down to See Training Subject Categories, Available Courses, and Courses You’re Enrolled In or Have Completed.


Your Login Status is indicated in the top right corner of the PORTAL page. (See below.)

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AFTER SIGNING IN:  Scroll Down Page to see your Enrollments, Categories, and Courses.

TO ENROLL IN A COURSE: Enter the Enrollment Keyword. (Available only Members here.)


Enrollment Keyword. (Available only Members here.)

Typical 4 Module Course Layout: Training, What I Learned Or Can Use In My Foster Parenting, Confirmation, Certificate of Completion

* Click Here to Enroll *  Membership Required *

* * *


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